Constructor celebrates his 10 years anniver
Constructor, Thomas Lind Gadegaard, can celebrate his 10 years anniversary at PALOMAT®. He has undoubtedly made his mark on the pallet magazine, which today is the leading global brand in the business.
An experienced player on the market
The PALOMAT® pallet magazine can celebrate its 25 years anniversary this year, and is an experienced player on the market for automated pallet handling. With a focus on being an innovative manufacturer and following the development and demands of the market, having employees with great experience and know-how is an asset. Thomas is one of the experienced members of the department;
"The market has changed somewhat over the last 10 years. Most of our customers still buy PALOMATs to handle euro-pallets. But we are experiencing an increased demand for pallet magazines that are adapted to the pallets and work processes of the individual customer. Meanwhile the market has increased its focus on the security of using a product, wherein we constantly need ensure that our machines comply with the current machine directive. It is great to be part of that development, and leave my mark on the product. That is also what makes the job exciting."
- Thomas Lind Gadegaard, constructor and 10 year jubilarian at PALOMAT®.
From 7 to 17 employees
When Thomas started in 2007, there were only 7 employees. Today the department consists of a total of 17 employees, divided into sales, marketing, construction and production. No less than 4 new employees have been hired over the last 8 months. Area Manager, Majbritt Svane doesn't for a second doubt that it is an advantage having experienced employees like Thomas in the department;
"A long-standing employee like Thomas has a lot of experience, which the new team members can learn from, and they can ask him for advice. We ensure that new employees are properly trained and get a good start. We are glad to have Thomas on the team, and look forward to another 10 years."
- Concludes PALOMAT® Area Manager, Majbritt Svane, with a smile.
Published October 2017.
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